Dave Workman

Seattle Gun Rights Examiner

December 3rd, 2010 1:26 pm PT

Perhaps there is nothing quite so satisfying as seeing someone else “call B.S.” on the gun prohibition crowd, and it happened today courtesy of KOMO’s never-meek Ken Schram, a guy with whom I often disagree, but he's still a pal.

Reacting to the hand-wringing from the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence over the new Amtrak rules that take effect next month, allowing firearms to be carried in locked, checked baggage, "Schrambo" took off the gloves, and it was the right thing to do. A spokesman for the Brady camp had contended this will “make it easier” for terrorists to bring weapons on trains.

Daniel Vice of the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence countered that the rule change makes it easier for terrorists to bring weapons on trains with intent to do harm. He said his group and Amtrak police are pleased, however, to have won concessions requiring locked storage and 24-hour advance notice.-Sacramento Bee

The ever-diplomatic Schram’s reaction: “The anti-gun crowd should just put a cork in their whine.”

My able colleague Kurt Hofmann in St. Louis already wrote about this nonsense here, and rightfully so. People in Missouri and southern Illinois are just as likely these days to board a train as they are to dislike the prospect of being groped by some rubber-gloved TSA screener, while their wives, daughters or mothers get a feel copped in the next aisle at the airport. Indeed, Hofmann’s neighbors are not much different than Washingtonians who will be opting for the train as an alternative to getting “their junk” touched.

See link for full story.

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