If I asked you what most defines Donald Trump supporters, what would you say? They’re white? They’re poor? They’re uneducated?

You’d be wrong.

In fact, I’ve found a single statistically significant variable predicts whether a voter supports Trump—and it’s not race, income or education levels: It’s authoritarianism.

That’s right, Trump’s electoral strength—and his staying power—have been buoyed, above all, by Americans with authoritarian inclinations. And because of the prevalence of authoritarians in the American electorate, among Democrats as well as Republicans, it’s very possible that Trump’s fan base will continue to grow.
Authoritarianism is not a new, untested concept in the American electorate. Since the rise of Nazi Germany, it has been one of the most widely studied ideas in social science. While its causes are still debated, the political behavior of authoritarians is not. Authoritarians obey. They rally to and follow strong leaders. And they respond aggressively to outsiders, especially when they feel threatened. From pledging to “make America great again” by building a wall on the border to promising to close mosques and ban Muslims from visiting the United States, Trump is playing directly to authoritarian inclinations.
Read the entire article HERE: http://www.politico.com/magazine/sto...itarian-213533

Sad, pathetic attempt to sway people away from Trump... implying (if not outright claiming) that Trump is similar to Hitler and that Trump supporters tend to be "obedient".

The myriad of ways the terrified, desperate liberal left finds to try and discredit Trump seem to know no bounds.

But, we won't be fooled. I WANT America to be great again. I WANT our borders closed to illegals and terrorists. I WANT terrorist meeting and planning places (mosques) closed.

And I am by no means an "authoritarian". I put my Country FIRST, and to hell with anyone who is "offended" by that. And as far as I can see, Trump and I think a lot alike. That's why I'm voting for him.