Yep, found another single stack. This one for $350. After having successfully opened up the magwell on the last one, I gave this one a quick lookover, bought it, decided to open her up, install compliance parts, etc, and flip it. After all, the last one was a breeze! Well I should have looked closer. I hit a HUGE snag on this one. It's a 2001 WASR, and the front trunnion is set up to only accept singlestack magazines! Being that I already cut the receiver, I'm past the point of no return. I now have the following options:
1. Rebuild with new trunnion, possibly with new NDS receiver unless I really want to shave the costs and keep it.
2. Send it to someone to mill the trunmion out and replace rivets. Probably cost more. Or
3. Sell it ast a loss as a parts kit.

I'm leaning toward option 1. As I already have a bulgarian 74 kit minus barrel and receiver that I intended to eventually build. Rebuilding this now unusable WASR would certainly get the ball rolling on the 74 build and show me what I'm in for.