Never seen before photo of the fukushima exclusion zone. When i enter the red zone, i can feel a burning sensation in my eyes and thick chemical smell in the air. before i went there the authority told me that i need a special permit to visit this town and it take 3-4 weeks to get the approval from the local council,, well too much bureaucracy bullshit for i just sneak in the forest to avoid cops on the road ...AND IT WAS AMAZING !!!!!, I still remember what is like to only have a GPS and google map walking in the wood at 2am in the morning to get into the town of okuma,futaba and namie.

I wonder if he had a dosimeter or geiger with him. I mean, when fuel rods are blown out into the parking lot of the reactor, you're talking real rad hazard, and the rain/winds carried a lot of it to nearby areas, even Tokyo got some fallout.