I went to purchase a gun and the NICS check returned a denied only a few minutes after it was submitted and have no idea why that would happen.

From what I read false positives are extremely rare, but I have no idea what would cause it. I have no criminal record and filled out the 4473 properly. I thought it may have been a problem with the form but I asked for a print out to look it over and everything seems correct and I used my SSN to help prevent identification issues.

The only thing I can think of is my CC license is in the process of updating my address and online I see it has s status of pending review by the state police but I don’t think that would have any thing to do with a NICS check since you don’t have to have a license to buy s handgun.

I am at a loss, the only other thing is it’s a goof in the system and a false positive, someone fat fingered a ssn during a arrest or I have had my identity stolen.

Has anyone ever dealt with this? I have to go to a website now and input the NICS number to request an explanation of why it was denied, the store could not tell me anything.

Worst case what is it like to have to file a appeal for the denial?