I highly recommend reading this piece about the historical precedent of nominating and confirming a Supreme Court Justice in an election year, especially since this will not be reported on honestly by the MSM. They will, and are, saying that any Republican that supports confirming a Supreme Court Justice in an election year is being hypocritical based on what happened in 2016. This article shows that they are not, but that the MSM is being purposely dishonest in taking statements out of context that made clear that when the WH and Senate are divided, nominations will almost never be considered, but when the WH and Senate are of the same party, they have confirmed even after the President has been voted out of office. It is incumbent for us to fight back against the lies that are flying and against people like Senator Collins who is saying she won't vote to confirm until after the upcoming election. She needs to be voted out of office for supporting the Democrats. And it is important to note that this article was written a month ago, not immediately after Justice Ginsberg's death.

History Is on the Side of Republicans Filling a Supreme Court Vacancy in 2020