Summer sizzle: Obamacare could be repealed before election

Petition campaign started for new vote in House of Representatives

Posted: July 11, 2010
7:15 pm Eastern

© 2010 WorldNetDaily

News that a discharge petition in the House of Representatives has gathered half the names necessary to force a vote repealing Obamacare has spurred an online petition campaign to rally the public to the cause. "Who would have thought we might have a chance to repeal Obamacare – this term?" exclaimed Joseph Farah, editor and chief executive officer of WND, in response to the plan by Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa. "This movement has already gained half the support it needs in the House of Representatives. Now it's time for the public to turn up the pressure on the other half."
Farah has created a public petition drive in support of King's measure. He hopes to use the database of new names to launch a massive new "pink slips"–style campaign to persuade 218 House members to get on board.
The "pink slips" campaign last delivered nearly 10 million messages to members of the House and Senate – including protests of the impending vote on health care.

"We are less than four months from Election Day and every member of the House is up for re-election," Farah noted. "Everyone is vulnerable right now. We have leverage we won't have in January. Wouldn't it be awesome if we could get the same House that passed Obamacare to repudiate it a few months later?"
King's measure has 109 signatures, exactly half of the 218 needed for it to move forward without hindrance.
"If you want to jump on this with me, just sign the petition," Farah said. "Give me your e-mail address and we will keep you posted on the progress and further action needed."
Sign the petition to overturn Obamacare now.


what the hell, i signed it. i get email alerts from WND already so no biggie to me.

every little bit helps.